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Kayley Davis McMahan, PhD

Hi there! My name is Kayley Davis McMahan (“Dr. Mac”) (she/her/hers). I am the Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Coordinator in the Center for Health Education & Wellness (CHEW). I also serve as a Lecturer in the Department of Child and Family Studies (CFS).

I am from Knoxville, TN and am a longtime Vol, receiving my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (2015), Master of Science in Child and Family Studies (2018), and Doctor of Philosophy in Child and Family Studies (2021) from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention Coordinator

As the Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention Coordinator, I am responsible for overseeing a comprehensive sexual misconduct prevention plan for our undergraduate student population. I plan, develop, implement, and evaluate campaigns, events, presentations, and services in the areas of bystander intervention, consent, relationship and sexual violence awareness and prevention, sexual health, healthy relationships, and healthy communication.


I am also a sexuality researcher. I study young adult sexual and relationship health and well-being. My research interests include sexually transmitted infection (STI) disclosure processes, motivations for and against sex, and sexual health program evaluation.


I have also taught several undergraduate and graduate courses in the CFS Department, including CFS 210: Human Development, CFS 240: Human Sexuality, & CFS 550: Theory in Family Studies. My favorite class to teach is Human Sexuality. I am currently a Lecturer for the CFS Department and actively teach CFS 240: Human Sexuality.


I currently co-chair the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Team (formerly the Title IX Prevention Team) and Sexual Assault Awareness Month Planning Committee, am a member of the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life (OSFL) Prevention Team, an ad-hoc member of the Athletics Prevention Team, and a community partner and trainer with Safe Bar Tennessee. I also serve as the faculty/staff advisor for the Women’s Coordinating Council, a student group at the University of Tennessee.